scorchedE.C.H.O, or Echo, Logo

Terms of Service

Please review these Terms of Service in its entirety before purchasing an avatar from scorchedE.C.H.O Avatars. All customers must abide by the terms of the License purchased.

Last Updated June 12th, 2024
Due to the digital nature of our products, all sales are final and in general no refunds will be issued. Returns are not possible. To be eligible for a refund, the product must be found defective as a fault of scorchedE.C.H.O Avatars and deemed unfixable.

After January 1st, 2023, all parties involved in a purchase from scorchedE.C.H.O agree to treat this as a living document to reflect any and all new additions or changes as needed. Therefore, this page is subject to change from time to time, and all parties will be upheld to the most recent version of this document.
Parties who agreed to these Terms of Service before January 1st, 2023 are bound to the Terms given to them at the time of purchase.

avatar warranty

All avatars sold after January 1st, 2022 now come with a 6 (six) month "warranty". Any issues with the Avatar, whether caused by EchoedAvatars or VRChat updates, will be fixed until this "warranty" is over. The "warranty" does not begin upon purchase; rather, it will start upon the release of the Avatar.

Purchases made after this "warranty" expires do not guarantee a functioning avatar and the purchase is made at the customer's own risk.

"Popular demand" avatars will receive updates and fixes beyond this date if needed as demand for the Avatar continues.

terms of service: 3D Avatars

Avatars created by EchoedAvatars are geared towards the social VR game, VRChat. Files are only provided for this game. However, EchoedAvatar's avatars can be used on these other platforms if the Terms of Service are followed.

In short, you may:

- Upload the avatar privately on VRChat, Helios, ChilloutVR, or other similar social VR games, excluding Neos or other social VR games that engage in trading cryptocurrency.

However, you still may not:

- Upload the avatar for public use on any social VR platform.

all licenses

All Licenses must abide by these rules and those listed in their respective sections.

You must use the built-in "Gift" function on the storefront to purchase an avatar for someone other than yourself. You cannot send files to the recipient. If you purchase it with your account on accident, you will be asked to repurchase without a refund if you still wish to gift the product.

You may:

- Upload the avatar privately for personal use.
- Edit the avatar in any way for personal use, so long as enough original assets remain to be considered as the avatar.
- Create Downloadable Content (“DLC”) or add-ons for the avatar, so long as no assets, files, textures, etc. from the avatar are included in the add-on product.

You may not:

- Redistribute the avatar or assets on the avatar.
- Make a profit by reselling the avatar's files.
- Make a profit by selling derivatives of the avatar.
- Asset-mine the avatar. i.e. buy the avatar for its parts, either for personal or commercial uses.
- Upload the avatar as public or for someone who has not purchased the avatar.
- "Price-split" the avatar; i.e. share the cost of one license with another individual.
- Send files to a third party who does not own the avatar for a commission. *

Furthermore, avatars created and released by EchoedAvatars may not be used for or in the ways listed below.

You may not:

- Use the avatar in publicly released pornographic material, whether commercial use or not, without explicit permission from scorchedE.C.H.O.
- Use the avatar to depict or promote racism, homophobia, hate crimes, etc.
- Use the avatar to encourage self-harm or otherwise encourage the endangerment of oneself or others.
- Use the avatar in any way that involves Non-Fungible Tokens ("NFTs") or cryptocurrency.

* If you wish to obtain a commission from a third party, all parties involved must own a license to the avatar. A Personal License will suffice so long as everyone involved owns a license. Distributing avatar files to a third party for a commission is prohibited, even if they promise to delete the avatar's files afterward.

commercial market license

The Commercial Market License is not available for avatars. You may not make a profit by selling the assets on the avatar or by selling the avatar itself.

Therefore, you may not:

- Redistribute the avatar or assets on the avatar.
- Make a profit by reselling the avatar's files.

commercial streaming license

The Commercial Streaming License is geared towards those who desire to use the avatar in settings where they would make ad-based revenue.

You must credit scorchedE.C.H.O or EchoedAvatars with a link to their Store when using the avatar.

Therefore, you may:

- Use the avatar as a vtuber.
- Use the avatar on live streams, YouTube videos, etc. where you profit from ads.

However, you may not:

- Redistribute the avatar or assets on the avatar.
- Make a profit by reselling the avatar's files or assets.

personal license

The Personal License is the most common, especially for avatars. In short, you can only use the avatar for yourself. You cannot share the package nor make any profits from the package or its image

Therefore, you may:

- Upload the avatar for private, personal use.
- Edit the model for private use.
- Create DLC or add-ons for the avatar that do not include original files.

However, you may not:

- Redistribute the avatar or assets on the avatar.
- Make a profit by reselling the avatar's files or assets.

terms of service: 3D assets

Assets created by EchoedAvatars are geared towards the social VR game, VRChat. Files are only provided for this game. However, EchoedAvatar's avatars can be used on these other platforms if the Terms of Service are followed.

all licenses

All Licenses must abide by these rules and those listed in their respective sections.

You must use the built-in "Gift" function on the storefront to purchase an avatar for someone other than yourself. You cannot send files to the recipient. If you purchase it with your account on accident, you will be asked to repurchase without a refund if you still wish to gift the product.

You may:

- Upload the asset privately on an avatar for personal use.
- Edit the asset.

You may not:

- Redistribute the asset on its own.
- Make a profit by reselling the assets's files.
- Make a profit by selling derivatives of the asset, not on a completed avatar.
- Asset-mine an avatar where the asset appears; i.e. buy the avatar for the asset, either for personal or commercial uses.
- "Price-split" the asset; i.e. share the cost of one license with another individual.
- Send files to a third party who does not own the avatar for a commission. *

Furthermore, assets created and released by EchoedAvatars may not be used for or in the ways listed below. You may not:

You may not:

- Use the asset in publicly released pornographic material, whether commercial use or not, without explicit permission from scorchedE.C.H.O.
- Use the asset to depict or promote racism, homophobia, hate crimes, etc.
- Use the asset to encourage self-harm or otherwise encourage the endangerment of oneself or others.
- Use the asset in any way that involves Non-Fungible Tokens ("NFTs") or cryptocurrency.

* If you wish to obtain a commission for a complete avatar using the asset from a third-party, only the party creating a finished avatar needs a license to the asset. A Commercial Market License is required, however.

* If you wish to obtain a commission from a third party to alter the asset in any way, all parties involved must own a license to the asset. A Personal License will suffice for this case.

* If you wish to use the asset but require teaching assistance from a third party, please ask scorchedE.C.H.O personally to share asset files if needed. If approved, only the customer using the final product (not the "teacher") needs to own a license to the asset. The "teacher" will need to discard asset files once the teaching process is finished.

commercial market license

The Commercial Market License allows you to create a fully completed avatar using E.C.H.O's assets.

The price of your avatar must at least be the cost of the asset; if the asset costs $15, you must price your avatar at $15 or more.

Including your Discord username (ex. scorchedE.C.H.O#0001 or scorched_echo) at checkout, in full, is required for this license to be valid.

You must credit scorchedE.C.H.O with a link to their Store when selling the full completed avatar. Do not credit their Discord username, only scorchedE.C.H.O or EchoedAvatars with a link to their store.

Therefore, you may:

- Redistribute the asset on a completed avatar.
- Make a profit by selling an avatar with this asset.
- Use the asset on a public avatar.

However, you may not:

- Redistribute the asset on its own, regardless if edited or not.
- Make a profit by reselling the asset on its own, regardless if edited or not.
- Use the asset on a "Nitro" avatar.
- Use the asset on an avatar released for free.

commercial streaming license

The Commercial Streaming License is geared towards those who desire to use the avatar in settings where they would make ad-based revenue.

You must credit scorchedE.C.H.O with a link to their Store when using the asset. Do not credit their Discord username, only scorchedE.C.H.O with a link to their store.

Therefore, you may:

- Use the asset on a vtuber model.
- Use the asset on live streams, YouTube videos, etc. where you profit from ads.

However, you may not:

- Redistribute the asset.
- Make a profit by reselling the asset.
- Use the asset on a "Nitro" avatar.
- Use the asset on an avatar released for free.

personal license

The Personal License is the most common, especially for avatars. In short, you can only use the asset for yourself. You cannot share the package nor make any profits from the package or its image

Therefore, you may:

- Upload the asset on an avatar for private, personal use.
- Edit the asset & attach it to any avatar for private use.

However, you may not:

- Redistribute the asset.
- Make a profit by reselling the asset.
- Use the asset on a "Nitro" avatar.
- Use the asset on a public avatar.
- Use the asset on an avatar released for free.

terms of service: unity commissions

commercial market license

The Commercial Market License allows you to create a full completed avatar using E.C.H.O's work.

You must credit scorchedE.C.H.O with a link to their Store when selling the full completed avatar.

Therefore, you may:

- Redistribute the work on a completed avatar.
- Make a profit by selling an avatar with the work.
- Use the work on a public avatar.

However, you may not:

- Redistribute the work on its own, regardless if edited or not.
- Make a profit by reselling the asset on its own, regardless if edited or not.
- Use the asset on a "Nitro" avatar.

commercial streaming license

The Commercial Streaming License is geared towards those who desire to use the avatar in settings where they would made ad-based revenue.

You must credit scorchedE.C.H.O with a link to their Store when using the work.

Therefore, you may:

- Use the work on a vtuber model.
- Use the work on livestreams, YouTube videos, etc. where you make money from ads.

However, you may not:

- Redistribute the work.
- Make a profit by reselling the work.
- Use the work on a "Nitro" avatar.

personal license

The Personal License is the most common license, especially for avatars. In short, you can only use the work for yourself. You cannot share the package nor make any profits on the package or its image.

Therefore, you may:

- Upload the work on an avatar for private, personal use.
- Edit the work & attach it to any avatar for private use.

However, you may not:

- Redistribute the work.
- Make a profit by reselling the work.
- Use the asset on a "Nitro" avatar.
- Use the asset on a public avatar.